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Senior Dog Grooming

In Home Services

Grooming can be stressful for some dogs, and even more so for older dogs, creating anxiety, pain, and potentially unsafe processes. Grooming requires dogs to stand up for long periods of time, endure baths, high powered air dryers, and being put into uncomfortable positions to trim certain areas of the body. Salons are typically loud, fast-paced, high volume situations.


By providing in-home grooming services, much of that stress can be reduced or eliminated completely and increased care and patience can be provided to pets with mobility or pain issues. My grooming approach ALWAYS puts the pet’s comfort and safety first, taking more time wherever needed, giving breaks, and providing a haircut that fits the dog’s current lifestyle and challenges.


Additional In Home Grooming Benefits Include:

  • No car ride necessary

  • Reduced fatigue/pain/anxiety levels compared to after a salon visit

  • Vital signs can be monitored during the groom

  • Dogs can sit or lie down for the process, no grooming noose is used

  • Clients have full transparency to see every step of the process

  • Presence of owner can calm the dog

  • Home is quiet and familiar compared to a salon


What To Expect

On my arrival, I will assess your dog’s coat condition and we will discuss the type/length of haircut that works best. A comfort cut of some type (legs and body same length, short sanitary areas, shorter face/beard/ears/feet) is the best way to keep your dog clean and comfortable between groom sessions and reduce the amount of time you spend struggling to keep him clean and tangle free. Nail trims are included in the session, as tolerated, and ear hair removal and ear cleaning as needed. Baths are an option in a few cases, that can be determined during the initial consult before setting our appointment.

We’ll set up in a quiet, well-lit area of your home that is a comfortable temperature for your dog and enough room for me to move around him. I’ll ask you to lay out a dog-friendly blanket or sheet to work on, spread over a dog bed if that makes him more comfortable.  Then, prepare to let the fur fly as I trim hair! During the groom session, we will take breaks if needed, and make adjustments to our priorities in order to work within your dog’s tolerance level. I have learned that flexibility is the key to a safe, comfortable grooming session. Older dogs have good and bad days – a dog who is in pain will not be able to tolerate a grooming session well.  To that end, if he takes pain, anti-inflammatory or anxiety medicine, I recommend giving that prior to our work together.


I believe in a more cooperative approach to grooming a senior dog. I do ask that my clients be with me during the entire grooming process, so that I have an extra set of hands, and to help keep your dog more safe and comfortable during the process. Also, I am more than happy to teach you do do simple grooming tasks for your dog, such as brushing, and cleaning or trimming in front of the eyes. Feel free to ask me if you are interested!

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Hi, I'm Angela

I am the founder and owner of Grey Whiskers. In my 20+ years’ experience in the pet industry, I have developed a true passion for working with senior dogs. I am dedicated to providing in-home, lifestyle appropriate grooming services for geriatric dogs with all medical conditions and physical limitations. Providing your grey-whiskered furry friends with a safe, comfortable, positive grooming experience is my number one goal.

Many people ask me how I came to specialize in this area of dog care. I earned my undergraduate degree in gerontology and worked in that field for a short time, before determining that I really wanted to work with old animals, not just old people.  I learned grooming by apprenticeship, and then when my family moved out of state, I earned a certification in rehabilitation massage with the Northwest School of Animal Massage. I provided massage only for over 10 years, also teaching with NWSAM. My process changes everything about the way groomers work, to the benefit of the older dog. Caring for dogs with compassion during the grooming process; watching their behavior and body language, modifying the approach and partnering with my clients to do all this, has been a very rewarding experience. I am so lucky to be able to help make older dogs look and feel their best as they age!

My Happy Clients

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"Angela is a blessing and we are so lucky our dog had her in his life"

Max's Owner

"Thank you so much for the dignity you gave Bella by making her look extra special, and how you held her safety in your hands"

Bella's Owner

"I really don't know how i would have managed without you these past few years, your services are incredible and so important to the well being of older dogs"

Abby's Owner


 Location Availability

Offering services within the Denver area

Contact Me

Each dog is different so when we talk I will collect information to assess what's possible, how long the groom will likely take and how much it cost. Please reach out to me via email, phone or text.

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